Caneel Sunset (Pfeiffer 20)
Caneel Sunset (Pfeiffer 20)
NEBRASKA. TB, 34", EARLY TO LATE SEASON. Twilight of the Gods X Just Crazy
My pet .. and the very best orange iris I have ever grown in my 50+ plus years of growing irises! Heavily ruffled orange standards are strongly flushed pink up the centers and are broadly banded gold on the edges. The matching orange falls are flaring, with lightly pleated ruffles and are flushed pink around the DEEP, fuzzy tangerine-orange beards. Deep orange texture veining is an added bonus; good branching and 7 buds. CANEEL SUNSET is tough as nails-- not a common trait among orange irises. It hails from the frigid, harsh climate of the Great Plains. Not a trace of soft rot in the 5 years it has been growing here. She is a star performer in the wet and soggy southeast. The best performing, highest quality orange iris in the garden! Don’t miss it!